Vital Statistics (Hamilton Airport reporting station)
These numbers are particular to a site but give a great starting point for most of Southern Ontario.
Size 405m x 528m 21.4 hectares
USDA zone 5a
Annual precipitation: (167 days, 36.7 inches, 917mm)
Ontario water legislation: Http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Business/Water/2ColumnSubPage/STEL02_163405.html
Temperature average annual is 12*c with highs of 26* and lows of -12*
Extremes reach 36* and -25*
Sunshine 42% with 1948 hours over 299 days
Cloudy days (no sun) 66 days
Humidity: average relative at 6am and 3pm 86% and 65%
Wind average speed is 16.2 kph with 28 days experiencing wind speeds over 52 kph
Damaging winds occur during winter, Oct-Mar, gusts upto 100km can occur typically in late November.
Soil type: http://sis.agr.gc.ca/cansis/publications/surveys/on/index.htmlTo
Sun angle, Summer 70* on June 21, with 15h 25m day light
Winter 24* on December 21 with 8h 57m day light
Precipitation Graph
The driest month is February with 57 mm.
Most precipitation falls in August, with an
average of 91 mm.
Temperature Chart
The warmest month of the year is July
with an average temperature of 19.9 °C.
January, the average temperature is -6.6 °C.
Extremes have reached 36 °C and -25 °C