Permaculture has as many definitions as there are practitioners. At its heart it is a philosophy of 'Earth care, People care, Fair share' and it is upon this philosophy that a robust system is emerging. A growing community of teachers and practitioners has been spreading for 40 years, gathering knowledge and skills powerful enough to shift our view of the world we live in.
Perma(nent) (Agri)culture began as a farming system in Australia, a fragile environment by Holmgren and Mollison. Along the way other great minds from ecologists, farmers, architects, teachers, and engineers have added thier own research and experience to develop a new way to farm, to live and to interact with our environment.
hPlants at Chickabee Farm
Find here all intentional plants found at Chickabee. Plants are listed in categories as established by Dave Jacke's Edible forest gardens as well updates will include pictures of and plant lists for guilds as they establish.
Permaculture Research Institute of Canada
Permaculture Hamilton
Theresa McCuaig is a PDC certified permaculture designer living in Hamilton, Ontario
The Permaculture Research Institute is the project of Geoff Lawton and Zaytuna farm in Austrailia. A great place to connect with other permaculture enthusiasts, check out the site by clicking the logo above.
The permaculture institute has released a copy of the Permaculture Design Certificate workbook. Check out thier site by clicking the logo above, great site with great resources.
Suppliers of plant material for permaculture in Ontario
Here are the main suppliers I have and continue to use for seeds, and plants for Chickabee Farm. They are all growers of cool and cold climate temperate plants suitable for zones 3-10.
Grimo Nut Nursery
Richters Herb Farm
Gretas Organic Seeds
Golden Bough Tree Farm
Whiffletree Tree Farm
Yuko's Herbs
Mapple farms
Whatcom seeds
Artemesia nursery
Siloam Orchards
Hamilton Permaculture Guild
A growing group from hamilton and surounding areas gathering monthly.
Allan Savory is an African born ecologist concerned with remediation of the worlds fragile enviroments and reversing desertification. Check out his TED talk for great inspiration.
Gaiacraft of British Columbia
A great resource for beginner farmers providing education, support and even land to start farming.
Connecting begininng farmers with land owners.
Fresh city farm coop, Torontos Urban farmers
A great blog about the Mill creek netzero home and the saskatchewan conservation house project. In Southern Ontario Dave Braden of Flamborough lives in a house designed using the SaskCon house plans
Urban Agriculture Policy, Planning, and Practice
A Report for the City of Hamilton, Ontario
May 2013
drizzler forum